Sunday, August 2, 2009

Male Genital Hair Removal and Razors

When I first started shaving my pubic hair about 10 years ago I only used razors and shaving gel, but I have learned a lot about male genital hair removal since then. For me razors was not a problems except for the occasional slip of the hand. There where no razor bumps or irritations and it worked.

I have tried waxing, creams, clippers and a lot of other methods that were less than pleasant. Some how I always return to the old reliable way. For some the blades might cause bumps, but it is easy to figure out if its right for you.

Get the BEST razor you can buy and a cooling gel with no ingredient that you are allergic to, take the time to read and understand after all it is your family jewels. Test a small are directly on your genitals and wait a few days to see if there are any reactions. If not then go for the gusto.

Male genital hair removal do not have to be an unpleasant experience, in fact male genital hair removal can be a great learning experience.

Take your time and make sure you don't slip (This is really the best advice I can really give you). Good luck.

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